Friday, October 29, 2010

Samhain & Weekly Wallpaper


One of my favorite holidays is Samhain, Halloween, and Dia De Los Muertos! It is one of the most festive holidays next to Christmas or Yule. It's time to say so long to all the souls that have passed since last Samhain. They are marching on into the Summerlands to join with our/their Ancestors. Persephone has journeyed to the underworld to live with her husband, Hades. With her she takes our Mighty Dead. While the winter rages on so does Demeter's longing for the return of her daughter. She will return and so will the warmth to our lands. Know that our Mighty Dead will soon return as well. They return in the cycle of life, our newly born. The cirlce continues, life moves on. I do not fear death, for I will go forward secure in the knowledge that life shall continue.What was left unfinished in this life will be started again in the next life. Mahoo and Merry Samhain!

There is a sale in the shop of 15% off everything. I'm going to keep it up until November 7th. Seeing as how November 7th is the actual astronomical observance of Samhain. :) So shop away!

Weekly Wallpaper Change this way, please. 

From this, 

to this!

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