Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lk. Geneva Peace Pod

On Thursday nights at the Lake Geneva Caribou Coffee my church gets together to knit for charity. Previously we knitted hats for local children that were without. Our leader then stumbled upon the women4women knitting4peace organization. Here is what we and they do: 
"Our members knit, crochet, and weave as an outward and visible sign of our real work: knitting together the global Beloved Community. As we knit/crochet/weave, we pray in languages and traditions that are as varied as the colors of the rainbow. We pray for each other; we pray for the recipients of the items we create; and we pray for hope, healing and peace in our world. We do our work one stitch at a time ... one day at a time ... stitch after stitch and day after day. The tangible items we create are personally delivered to women, teens, children, and infants in local and global areas of conflict. Our items include: 
  • Peace Shawls for women   
  • Peace Pals (boy & girl dolls) for children & youth 
  • Scarves4Peace for children & teens
  • Peace Caps for children & teens 
  • Blankets of Peace for families" 

Together our small group is working to uplift the spirits of our fellow beings. Currently we are working on Peace Pals and Scarves4Peace for children.

If you would like to join our peace pod, please, come a meeting at 7PM on Thursday in the Lake Geneva Caribou Coffee. You can keep informed through our Ravelry Group as well. If you would like more information about knitting4peace please visit their website.

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